A Class 24 repaint with a number file representing the locos that worked between Tyne Dock and Consett, Included are several quickdrive consists using freeware wagons by MalkyMacKay and a small selection of appropriate payware, Also included is a basic scenario for North East Rails V3 where you take a consist of 56t ore wagons to Consett, Choose from 3 weather variants to test your driving skills.
A bonus repaint of the YGH Ballast hopper from the 24 Pack is also included, For both the wagon and Loco the GeoPcDx files from the DTG Class24Pack01 need to be copied into the YGH Olive & [MT] Class 24 W3 Tyne Dock Folder
Addon Author: Mark Thompson (TOMMO79)
Disclaimer: British Locomotive Studios does not offer support for this addon, if you have any issues with the pack please contact the designated addon author listed above.
- DTG Class 24 Locomotive Addon (From Steam Store)
- UKTS Freeware Pack UK Wagons #1 (From UKTrainSim) - For Quick Drives Only