This item is also available in the UKTS Freeware Pack: UK Wagons #1 pack.
This wagon pack contains reskins of Geoff Potter (Acorn Computer) 5 plank wagons into a number of weathered varieties of bauxite and grey, plus private owner varieties suitable for CKPR, including the various quarries on the line, plus collieries in the Workington and Whitehaven area.
Please feel free to use them in your own scenarios.
Thank you very much to Geoff for making these available.
To install, unzip the rwp file to somewhere convenient such as your desktop. In the Railworks launcher screen, go to the package manager tab, select "install" and locate the file, press okay. Then at the tools tab in the TS2012 launcher, click “clear cache”. If this is not highlighted, exit and restart TS2012 and it should appear.
There is also a patch to resolve the missing crate and empty cattle wagons in the UKTS freeware wagon pack 1 - install this after the pack to fix this issue in the same way. (this will be corrected in later versions of the packs.)
Addon Author: Ben Yates (BDY26)
Disclaimer: British Locomotive Studios does not offer support for this addon, if you have any issues with the pack please contact the designated addon author listed above.